Mountain Trips

ORAC has run a number of mountain trips in the past ranging from the popular day trips to Wadi Bani Awf to camping trips on the Salmah Plateau.
Mountain trips are generally defined by a need to drive on graded roads (ie non paved or non blacktop) and can often be long and arduous. Most are considered family friendly but some can be a long and arduous haul for very young children (eg the 4 wadis trip). Pretty well all are spectacular (eg Yeti trip photos above) and others may include stops at significant archaeological places such as beehive tombs (Salmah Plateau trip) and Tanuf (Wadi Bani Awf trip.
Mountain trips do not require training, but confidence with 4WD low ratio on very steep graded roads is required as is use of engine braking on steep descents.